Land owners
Have you considered the development potential of your land or struggled to obtain planning permission?
Have you often wondered what your land could be worth?
It can be difficult to know where to start, and who can help – dealing directly with house builders can feel a bit ‘us and them’.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
At LandQuest we build partnerships with home and land owners which maximises the value of their land, whilst guiding and supporting them through the process of selling their land for development. Together we work towards your requirements using our team, expertise and financial investment. It’s a collaboration based on mutual interest; to realise the ultimate value of your site and inspire the best possible development solution. Our unique hands-on approach means you deal directly with the owners of the business throughout.
A no risk, no investment solution to maximise the value of your land.
Working with LandQuest is the no cost, no risk approach to maximise the value of your land.

Each development site is unique and every home/land owner has their own particular aims and objectives. Our attention to detail is what makes us different. For most land and home owners, achieving the most viable development solution to maximise your profit is a one-time opportunity. It is essential that any proposal works 100% for the land owner – if it doesn’t work for them, it doesn’t work for us.
Our seven-step process to maximising the value of your land
/ Agreement
& Research
Drawings &
Appeal Process
if needed
& Sale
Having conducted an initial feasibility study on a specific area of land to ascertain its viability, we report back to the land owner and work to establish the most appropriate form of contractual arrangement. Such an agreement protects the interests of all parties concerned and only proceeds once all eventualities have been considered and all contingencies prepared for. LandQuest’s policy of covering all of the often-considerable upfront legal costs associated with this element of the process also relieve the land owner of this burden.
We then work closely with other key stakeholders and agencies, to provide highly detailed analysis and ensure a robust and optimally suited development strategy for the site in question. With all aspects of the project viewed from multiple angles, we work to give the project significantly increased chances of achieving planning consent at the first opportunity.
LandQuest’s team of consultants and architects will then start work on the design and planning phase – from architectural drawings, design and access statements and sustainability appraisals through to all of the land and environmental studies and various other technical reports that are so essential to supporting a successful planning application through to approval.
The key to winning support for the proposal lies not just in talking to the local community, but listening to what they have to say in response. LandQuest’s uniquely collaborative approach transforms resistance into support, positively inspiring any such proposal with a genuine sense of place.
We work to establish constructive solutions to any potential objections. By applying due diligence in this way, we give the project significantly increased chances of achieving planning consent at the first opportunity.
By researching a prospective site thoroughly, consulting closely with planning authorities and the local community and by bringing our considerable market experience to bear, LandQuest will commission a suite of technical information in support of a planning application. Better researched, better prepared and better presented, appropriate proposals have significantly increased chances of success.
This suite of information will cover various aspects such as:
- Highways reports
- Design and access statement
- Landscape and visual impact assessment
- Ecology reports
- Flood risk assessment
Emerging local plan policy is also comprehensively researched and taken into account to ensure that any proposals will not be affected and are fully policy complaint
Unfortunately, some applications can initially be refused for a variety of reasons. Under these circumstances, our team of highly experienced consultants will work closely with all key stakeholders to identify, address and remedy any areas of concern, making changes where necessary before submitting an appeal to the Secretary of State for determination.
By matching the site to the most suitably qualified end user, LandQuest is able to maximise values, inviting “best and final offers” from all specifically targeted parties. Based on conventional dynamics between land owners and housebuilders, it is all too easy for land owners to forget that on their land, they hold the cards. Working in a true collaborative partnership, LandQuest redress that balance of power, enabling the land owner to achieve maximum value and an agreement that meets their needs in every way.
So, how much does it cost?
It’s simple, at LandQuest, we work on a no cost, no risk principle.
Our fees are based upon a percentage of the ultimate sale value of the site with the benefit of planning permission. This ensures that we remain committed, focused with our interests being completely aligned with the land owners. We act as your partner and are part of the same team, working together to deliver the best result for our clients.
The Landowner pays nothing and retains full control of their land. Throughout the whole process, there is absolutely no financial risk or burden to our clients. At LandQuest we understand the value of our client’s land and what it means to them. Our clients can rest assured in the knowledge that we will act in their best interests.
Please contact us today to find out how we can help you maximise the value of your land.
Please contact us today to find out how we can help maximise the value of your land.